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SA Memory. South Australia past and present, for the future

Rights and reproduction

SA Memory features images, sound recordings and film segments.  SA Memory provides free and open access to the digitised resources, which may be downloaded or reproduced for personal use, and research and study purposes only.

SA Memory recognises copyright, moral and other rights which may be associated with digitised resources; the 'Rights and reproduction' statement accompanying an item alerts the user to its terms and conditions for use.

Where items are to be reproduced for publication, copyright clearance from the copyright holder/s and Permission to publish from the State Library of South Australia or copyright holder may be required.

'Publication' is defined as making an item available to the general community. It includes publishing an item in a book, journal, film, CD or DVD; displaying an item on a website or intranet; and using an item in a display, exhibition, live performance, broadcast or corporate promotion. Further details are available at Permission to publish.

The State Library can assist in supplying details of copyright holders where possible. It is the responsibility of the applicant to meet copyright requirements and acquire permission to publish, in writing, from the copyright holder/s of the material requested.

SA Memory's digitised resources are governed by the Commonwealth of Australia Copyright Act 1968 as amended. The Australian Copyright Council provides advice, and publishes a wide range of information sheets on all aspects of copyright on its website.

Order SA Memory materials

The low-resolution images, and files available on SA Memory are suitable for making reference copies for private use, and research and study purposes.

The State Library can provide high quality reproductions of digitised resources to meet most requirements, in accordance with copyright conditions and cultural considerations of indigenous communities.

Permission to publish must be obtained before a copy of the material will be made and to ensure that publication of material from SA Memory receives due acknowledgment and promotion.

Order an SA Memory image or audiovisual item - how to order copies, and costs involved.

State Library catalogue

SA Memory features selected images from the State Library of South Australia's pictorial collection. Search the State Library catalogue to find additional photographs and other pictorial items.



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